One of the better uses for social media is coming across great inspiration for my next sewing adventure. Jacinta Green (@pinkmimosabyjacinta on Instagram) has been hosting a Whole 30 Fabric Challenge to encourage shopping your fabric stash instead of purchasing new fabric so you can cut down on the amount of fabric you’re just collecting.
There is no time frame for these challenges, but the overall goal is to commit to sewing up 30 yards of fabric from your stash before buying new fabric. If you buy new fabric, you have to start again. Simple enough…for people who don’t consider buying fabric a valid hobby.
Not only am I looking for ways to save money this year, but my fabric stash has grown way larger than I ever planned which leads me to believe taking part in a whole 30 challenge is an EXCELLENT idea. (It’s probably also a great idea to take inventory of what I own, but more on that later.
Game Plan for the Whole 30
If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail!
-Benjamin Franklin
I’m not usually one to remember my sewing plans, which is probably part of how my stash grew so large in the first place. I notice i tend to buy fabric for a specific project, but never start the project, and then forget what I originally wanted to make!
Luckily, Jacinta created a spreadsheet, which you can find on her Instagram (seriously, check her out), to help keep things organized.

Looking at it like this, this actually seems pretty reasonable!
But here’s my question. I have 3 projects on this list that are actually going to be gifts (SHOCKING) but need lining. I don’t stash lining, so I will have to buy some. Will that reset my count? Or can I magically categorize lining as part of “notions” since I don’t randomly hoard lining?
Let me know your opinion, but I’m thinking that the lining won’t count. My reasoning is that I only buy it when I need it and for these, I need it. You’ll grant me that right?
I’ll keep everyone updated on if I make any changes to my list!
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