About Brittany



About Me :

Hi there! My name is Brittany, American born, raised, and lived up until January 2016 when I moved out to Japan for language school. I had just graduated from university, with a bachelors in Communication in 2015 (particularly focused on video shooting, editing, and marketing). At the time I had no real job set up yet, and was (and I’m still) trying to figure things out. I worked, saved up, and with a bit of help from mama and dad, left everything to study Japanese. Until then I had never been outside the country and this has been my first real experience completely on my own though. I was 22 years old at the time, and soon I am going to be 24.

I enjoy traveling. Going to new places, seeing new things is exciting,  and I love taking pictures for memory keepsakes or to share. Looking back on them makes my mind and heart race.


In particular, I adore the old, history-full places like temples, old houses, and museums. Japan has a lot of those. I find Japan, and Japanese so different than everything I have learned and been used to. But, it has really turned into a love/hate relationship for me since living here and studying at a language school for over a year straight now.  Of course I had my ideas on what Japan may be like before coming, based on research and reading others experience. Actually living and being in the mix has been quick about bursting my naive bubble though, which is just fine.

Keep bringin’ it Japan, bring it on!


Hobbies :

Reading, a biggie! I enjoy drawing as well. I have also been walking/jogging more. I like getting a feel for my surroundings, maybe even see something new. (Though, in the beginning, it was more to be sure I was really out here abroad and it wasn’t all just a dream.)  While in university I didn’t have much time for video games, but I’ve picked back up on them here. I’ve been using 動物の森 (Animal Crossing) to study. Very casual Japanese used throughout the game, as well as 敬語(keigo), and tons of useful vocab! (Highly recommend it!)


Goals :

#1 current goal : JLPT N2 (First attempt ever on July 02, 2017.)

Update 2017.04 : I failed it! But… if at first you don’t succeed, try, try again.

#2 Save money.


Contact Info:

IG : bameverywhere

Twitter : @BAMeverywhere