
Behind the Name: Cultivating Whims

If you’ve ever created or written something, you probably already know that one of the hardest parts of the process is creating a title. I used to work on school papers and only add a title at the end of the process. Sometimes my titles were good, but most of the time they were very uninspiring.

With that kind of track record, it’s no surprise that every time I started a blog, I had major issues coming up with a name. A million questions would always swirl in my mind. Use my name or not? Reference the topic in the title or keep it loosely related? Would I still like this name in a few years? If I changed focus would the title be obsolete?

I first started blogging under Delightfully Pretty. Back then (2009), I was a makeup blogger focusing on mainly swatches and face of the day posts. It was perfect because at the time I was working for makeup counters and becoming interested in photography/becoming a makeup artist. In 2013, I “rebranded” to become slightly more general. Instead of just a makeup blog, I would focus on anything that I gave me a little spark of happiness. I had a budding interest DIY and wanted to post about it.

So how did we become Cultivating Whims?

Leading up to my move in Japan, I started becoming interested in self-cultivation. With that came trying many new things and many new experiences. Moving to Japan only increased that. With so many topics and so many experiences, I decided that writing about my whims would be best.

I chose Cultivating Whims to represent my dedication to growth through experience. It can mean reading a new book, taking a new class, or learning a new skill. Whatever it is, if I’m interested, I commit to trying it out. The name reminds me to stay inspired to become a better version of myself.

Because it has such a profound meaning, I think the name is a winner and will be keeping it as long as I can.

Let me know in the comments below how you chose your blog name!

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